When it comes to areas of human body where most of the fat accumulates, undoubtedly middle section is the most stubborn part. Once the muffin top appears, it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

Those people who have this issue and have tried can confirm you how stubborn and resilient this muffin top is.

But, we have good news for you! We will reveal you the perfect combination for muffin top elimination in very short time. All you need to do is to follow our advices and you will get your body in shape!

Rounded tum:

For flat and toned abs you’ll need a healthy diet and ….crunches!

First of all you need to lie down on your back with knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Then you should form curved in stomach by pulling you belly button in towards your spine and then curl your truck up. Remember that you need to keep your head and neck tall and in line with your body. You need to continue with pulling in towards your spine during the whole movement. It is recommended to do 3 series with 25 repetitions in each.

Muffin Top

Eliminate the muffin top with …. A one leg plank hydrant

In order to do this you should start with a plank positioning with your hands on the floor. Now, pull one knee towards your chest, without touching the ground. Remember to push your leg back out and up so that it’s behind you at a 45 degrees angle. Then you should hold in that position about 2 seconds and return your knee to your chest. Perform 10 repetitions with both legs in 2 sets.

Belly button fat:

Tone your belly button fat with …. the downward dog to plank sequence

You will start the exercise by kneeling on all four and position your wrists a bit in front of your shoulders. You should position your knees at hip width and curl your toes under. Don’t forget to exhale and lift your knees up from the floor reaching your sit bones toward the ceiling, and straighten your legs in a downward dog position, pushing through your heels. You should stay in that position for 5 deep breaths. Inhale again and then move your weight towards into plank. Now hold that position and exhale while pushing into a downward dog position. For best results you should repeat this exercise 5 times, holding for 5 breaths each time. You can take a short rest in between.