8 Ways To Lose Belly Fat And Keep It Off

Okay, so you are trying to get rid of that belly, huh?  Don’t worry you are not alone.  There are many more people like this out there than you could imagine.

Have you tried that shirt, dress or pair of pants on and found that they just don’t fit like they used to?

Are you tired of going to the beach or anywhere else where your stomach may be on display?
Belly fat is not an area that some necessarily want to talk about, or an area where some want to deal with.

However, if you have been finding that the challenge of losing belly fat and keeping it off has been a losing battle for you, then we hope that this helps.

Here are 8 ways you can lose some of that belly fat and keep it off.

Stay Active

People get busy and there’s no way to get around that. If you have a schedule that keeps you constantly on the go, then you know just how crazy life can get.

As we’re constantly on the go, exercising and watching what we eat can be difficult to do at times.   The unfortunate byproduct of this is that we carry some excess weight that we would rather not.

So what’s the answer to all of this?

Well, if you are unable to exercise, then the next best thing is to try and  are stay as active as possible.  Ideally if you want to keep the belly fat off or lose it to begin with, then you will need to get some type of activity or cardiovascular work in.

Some things that you can do to stay active are things like walking instead of driving if it is possible.

Another thing that you can do to stay active is to take the stairs instead of the elevator, and fitting in times where you can get short bursts of cardiovascular work in such as going for a walk during lunch.

Watch The Foods That You Eat

While many may lead you to believe that exercise can be the solution to your belly fat problems, what you’ll find is that you can continue to work out and run on a treadmill and still keep that belly, IF you aren’t taking the time to watch what you are eating.

Do yourself a favor and read the labels at the grocery store that offer you the nutritional facts for the foods that you will be purchasing.  This will allow you to see just how many calories each of them has, how much fat is in them, and how much of the bad stuff can be found.  You know, stuff like high sugar content and lots of salt.

You also already know the kinds of foods around you that you shouldn’t be eating, and can impede your ability to lose weight.  The types of foods that can be found in this category are snack foods and candy, canned drinks with a lot of sugar in them and foods that are high in fat.

While exercising is a big piece in the fight against losing belly fat, what you’ll find is that your nutrition plays an extremely big role as well.

Go Natural

This tip kind of goes along with the one we just talked about of watching what you eat.

However this one takes it a little further, and asks that you try to choose foods that are more natural in nature as opposed to processed foods.

What this means is choosing foods that do not contain some of the preservatives that you may find in processed foods.

To better illustrate this, we would like you to think about the difference between choosing fresh fruits and vegetables, as opposed to ones that you may find in the canned food aisle, that is loaded with salt and sugars to keep them preserved.

Our bodies really weren’t built to ingest tons of preservatives, which is why it makes sense that natural foods are much more healthy for us than they’re processed siblings.

This tip of going naturally when it comes to foods such as fruits and vegetables,  shouldn’t be restricted just to that area.  Think about other canned foods that you can prepare freshly and naturally.

One that immediately comes to mind is a dish such as chili.   You can often find this dish in a can on a shelf in your local grocery store.  However, what you will find is that it may be chock full of salt and fat.

You can get the ingredients to make a fresh batch of chili in your grocery store.   When you do this you can take control of the amount of fat and salt that goes into it.

While it may take more time for you to go this route, it is the healthier alternative of the two.

Stop Snacking Late At Night

Do you constantly find yourself raiding the refrigerator late at night? Or how about this, do you find yourself driving through your favorite drive-through at midnight because you’re hungry?

If this sounds much like your last few days, then one of the things that you want to do is to stop snacking late at night.   When we eat or snack late at night it can be extremely dangerous.   Oftentimes this is because we have a tendency to reach for the foods that are really bad for us.

Some foods that fall into this category are foods that are high in carbohydrates, foods that are high in salt or foods that are high in fat.   Sometimes some of these foods are a combination of all three (like French fries), which can be very dangerous.

The biggest reason why you want to stop snacking late at night, is that oftentimes you have a tendency of over eating during these sorts of moments.  The problem here is that we go to bed right after we eat, leaving no time for us to burn off those excess calories that we just took in.  If you are a late night snacker, do your best to try and avoid this in the future.

Get Some Extra Weight Work In

If you are already a member of the gym and utilize the cardiovascular machines there,  then you may want to add in some extra work.

While running or jogging can definitely burn some calories off of your body, what you will find is working out with some type of weight resistance program such as lifting weights, can also help to burn off some of those extra calories and excess weight.

Burning off this extra weight can help to take off some of that belly fat that you’ve been looking to get rid of.

You can really pump up your belly fat burning program by adding in a weight resistance workout in addition to your cardiovascular workout, as well as watching what you eat.

Drink Some Tea

There are some individuals who swear by the belly fat busting abilities that drinking tea can bring.  If you have been looking into other ways to add some methods to losing that belly fat and keeping it off, then you may want to consider drinking some tea.

Please keep in mind that tea does have caffeine, which means that if you are affected by drinking caffeinated drinks, then you may want to think twice about this tip.  If you do decide to add something like this into your weight loss program, then be sure to consult with your personal care physician or Doctor to see just how this may affect you.

There is an antioxidant in green tea called EGCG that some have said boosts metabolism.  They have recognized EGCG as the component that helps to mobilize fat cells.

If you already drink tea and enjoy it, then you may want to think about drinking it on a regular basis to help get rid of some of that belly fat.  Green tea especially has been noted as one of the teas that can help boost your metabolism.

Do Some Crunches

Another way that you can get rid of some of the belly fat is to do some crunches.  Now please keep in mind that many people have thought that just doing crunches alone can give you a flat stomach.

That is not what we’re telling you here.

What we are telling you is that by doing crunches in addition to watching what you’re eating, and ensuring that you’re staying active and participating in some kind of cardiovascular activities, then it will help to flatten your stomach.

When you think about it it’s almost as if you’re putting the finishing touches on a piece of artwork.   While that may sound silly to you, think of it this way.   Your stomach contains muscles, and in order to get that muscle tighter and flatter you will want to do some type of exercise to help it along the way.

Doing abdominal crunches or any other type of exercise to help tighten your stomach, will help you to get that flat belly that you have been looking for.

Again, please understand that we are not saying that abdominal crunches alone will help you to lose your belly fat and keep it off.   What we will say is that by combining these kinds of exercises with the proper diet and exercise program, you will put yourself in a better position to have a flatter stomach.

Get Around Like Minded Individuals

This tip deals more with the social aspect of your life,  and truthfully can be the biggest method of losing belly fat and keeping it off.

Think of it this way, when you hang out with your friends what is a tendency that you have?  If you’re like most groups of friends, then you usually have meals together or even consume alcohol together.

It’s difficult to be in this type of circle if everyone is not health conscious.   They say that you become like the people you spend the most time with, so it makes sense that if you hang around with people who like to eat a lot of bad food and drink a lot of alcohol that eventually you’ll be doing the same.

By hanging out with like minded individuals or making friends with people who are trying to lose weight, like to exercise and who watch the types of foods that they eat, it will be much easier for you to stay on the straight and narrow when it comes to a diet and exercise program.

In all likelihood you may already have a few friends like this, and it’s just a matter of hanging around and spending time with them more than some of your other friends who may not have the same types of ideas in mind.

While we are not saying that you should get rid of all of your friends who aren’t on the same page when it comes to weight loss, what we are saying is that you need to be selective in who you choose to hang around with.

This is especially true if you’re not strong enough to resist the urge when they are offering you fatty foods and a beer to drink.

We hope that these eight tips have helped you to get a better idea of the things that you can do to lose belly fat and keep it off.

While there are many other things that you can do to lose your belly and keep that fat off, these tips should help you to reach your goals of losing your belly much more quickly.

Take the time to get some cardiovascular workout in, watch the things that you’re eating and get yourself around people who will encourage instead of discourage you to lose weight.
Following just those three tips mentioned above will help to put you on the right path of reaching your goals of losing your belly.